Types of Demons

The duties of a demonic entity reveal its power. The stronger the demon, the more influence it has on humans in particular and the world as a whole. The classification of demons by their occupation and level of power was first introduced by Alphonso de Spina in the 15th century.

The Parcae are goddesses who manipulate human fates in Roman mythology. Such characters are found in most of the pagan pantheons of the world. De Spina ranked them as demons because they control the fates of humans.

Pure demons are powerful beings from hell who attack only saints. The deceiving demons only appear to humans, usually in human form. Their goal is to deceive, to introduce a righteous person to the sin, to receive their soul. There are still demons of sleep, or nightmarish demons, who send terrible dreams and feed on the energy of a person who sees them.

Two types of representatives of the infernal troops are witches and sorcerers. It is believed that each witch has an assistant, who is almost always in the guise of a small animal.

I think everyone knows about incubi and succubi. These are demonic entities that seduce a person and feed on their energy. De Spina added to these two species yet another one — the demons who are interested in the male seed. According to Christian beliefs, imps and demons are born from it.

There are marching ghosts, which appear in the form of a crowd of people and are also representatives of evil forces. Basic poltergeists are demons too.

It is no wonder that there were quite a few attempts to distinguish the varieties of demons by the nature of their occupation and field of responsibility. The classification of the modern demonologist, Stephanie Connolly, is closer to the traditional ideas about the occupation of evil forces of various ranks and levels of influence. It is also more convenient for practitioners who are engaged in calling upon representatives of hellish forces and working with them.

Each demon has its own field of responsibility, and each of the demons has an army of lower demons, his subordinates, demons, devils, and other representatives of the infernal troops. Of course, it is unlikely that one will ever be able to summon a powerful demon, but he can send someone below his rank to help a magician.

  • Love and passion are the responsibility of the demoness Lilith, Asmodeus, and Astaroth. They can be contacted to get a person attracted to someone else, as well as to become more attractive and find a partner in life.
  • Hatred, vengefulness, anger, and war are ruled by Andras, Abaddon, and Agaliarept. These demons and their servants are summoned in order to bring damage, to cause destruction with the help of their magic.
  • Demons can both take life and give it away. Verrin, Vernier, and Belial are responsible for health and healing. They can be asked to help in a fight against serious illness if you are engaged in black magic for the sake of healing.
  • Demons of death - Evrinom, Vaalberit, and Babel. One may summon them in order to avoid death or kill an enemy with the help of magic. The demons are the patrons of necromancy.
  • Natural forces and elements are ruled by Lucifer, Leviathan, and Dagon. They can be asked for help to facilitate contact with natural sources of energy, as well as to strengthen the power of a ceremony, in which elements play an important role.
  • Wealth, luck and all the material components of human life are influenced by Belphegor, Beelzebub, and Mammon. They can be asked to bring ask in any business - and without any restrictions on the methods of obtaining that luck, as well as to ruin one’s business.
  • The secret knowledge of sorcerers and magicians is given by Python, Ronwe, and the Delepitor. They are called upon by sorcerers who work exclusively with the forces of darkness. For white magicians, this path is prohibited.’