Hierarchy and Ranks of Demons

The word "demon" comes from the ancient Greek word "daimon".

There are two main opinions about who, after all, are demons. The first - pagan – says that a demon is a “soul” of an object or a person, an unknowable force that can be evil or very evil, a demon is present in all phenomena or things, fire, and water spirits, tree spirits, and stone spirits, representing the Universe as space - filled with demons of everything. According to Christianity, demons are creatures opposite to angels, and sometimes, fallen angels and gods become demons. Most often, a Demon is something evil and absolutely indifferent to a person, but if you turn to them, a demon will readily serve and fulfill the slightest of desires to a person who seeks their aid only in order to provide themselves with energy.

In modern demonology, it is known that every representative of evil spirits has a strictly regulated range of responsibilities, beyond which they rarely ever go. There are nine demon ranks in total. Also, demonically beautiful girls you could find on foreign date sites.

The first rank consists of pseudo-gods, demons, posing as gods. These are pagan deities, as well as all others, with the exception of the Christian Lord. Beelzebub is the one who commands them

The second rank consists of the demons of lies. Their task is to deceive people with the help of prophecies and predictions. They patronize diviners, psychics, soothsayers. Among these representatives of the demonic hierarchy, the ruler of the demons of lies is Python.

The third rank consists of demons that fight the laws of God and the commandments. They invented all evil deeds, vicious activities, and arts. The prince of the demons of lawlessness is Belial.

The fourth rank consists of the avengers. They inspire thoughts of revenge and atrocities against other people who allegedly deserve it. Asmodeus commands the avenging demons.

The fifth rank consists of deceiving demons who seduce people with pseudo-miracles. They are able to introduce themselves to anyone - as an ordinary person who possesses a certain type of a gift, and as messengers of God. Satan is the king of deceivers.

The sixth rank commands the air element, with the help of which its representatives spread diseases and epidemics on people, as well as natural disasters. Merehim commands the demons of the sixth rank.

The seventh rank consists of Furies, who incite wars and disagreements. Their influence can be seen on a large scale when it comes to military conflicts or large-scale conflicts. Furies also affect people individually, causing them to come into conflict with each other. Their ruler is Abaddon.

The eighth rank consists of accusers and the spies. They observe people, noticing their smallest sins and sinful thoughts. At the same time, these representatives of evil forces never miss a chance to perform a dirty trick. Usually, their influence manifests itself in false accusations, slander, quarrels with colleagues and relatives due to misunderstanding. Astaroth is the leader of these demons.

The ninth rank consists of tempters who push a person into sin. The greatest pleasure for them is the transformation of a righteous into an inveterate sinner. Most often, these demons are just regular people, they are easier to call upon, but keep in mind that the benefits of your communication will be felt by a demon, not you. Mammon is the demon that rules over the tempters.

There is another classification of demons that is tied to the angelic hierarchy. Before the fall, all the demons occupied their places in it. According to medieval records, the demons, after their downfall, came down to hell and took their places in the new, dark hierarchy in accordance with the places they occupied in heaven.